Cacti 0.8.7g在CentOS5.5上的安装(1)
这次我用的是 CentOS5.5-i386,在选择安装包时一个包都不需要装,就以最小系统。配置好 IP 等。
A.关闭 SElinux
vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux # This file controls the state of SELinux on the system. # SELINUX= can take one of these three values: # enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced. # permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing. # disabled - SELinux is fully disabled. SELINUX=enforcing # SELINUXTYPE= type of policy in use. Possible values are: # targeted - Only targeted network daemons are protected. # strict - Full SELinux protection. SELINUXTYPE=targeted
把 SELINUX=enforcing 改为 SELINUX=disabled 并保存!在这个时候 SElinux 还在运行我们用
setenforce 0
来关闭 SElinux
/etc/init.d/iptables stop /etc/init.d/ip6tables stop chkconfig iptables off chkconfig ip6tables off
2.配置 cacti 需要的软件环境
A.由于一些包在官方的库中没有,因此我们要建立 dag.repo,定义非官方库
vi /etc/yum.repos.d/dag.repo
[dag] name=Dag RPM Repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux baseurl=$releasever/en/$basearch/dag gpgcheck=1 enabled=1
然后再导入非官方库的 GPG:
rpm --import
B.安装 cacti 需要的环境包
yum install -y httpd mysql mysql-server php php-mysql net-snmp net-snmp-utils yum install -y zlib libpng freetype libjpeg fontconfig gd libxml2 yum install -y rrdtool
C.为 cacti 创建数据库和用户
service mysqld start /usr/bin/mysqladmin --user=root create cacti mysql -e "GRANT ALL ON cacti.* TO cactiuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY ''"
3.下载 cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz 并解压、MV
cd /var/www/html/ yum install wget -y wget tar xf cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz rm -rf cacti-0.8.7g.tar.gz cd cacti-0.8.7g/ mv * ../ cd .. rm -rf cacti-0.8.7g/ mysql -ucactiuser cacti < /var/www/html/cacti.sql
修改 cacti 的配置文件并保存
vi /var/www/html/include/config.php /* make sure these values refect your actual database/host/user/password */ $database_type = "mysql"; $database_default = "cacti"; $database_hostname = "localhost"; $database_username = "cactiuser"; $database_password = ""; $database_port = "3306";
设置 crontab 定时任务
yum install vixie-cron
echo '*/5 * * * * root /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/poller.php' >> /etc/crontab
chkconfig snmpd on chkconfig httpd on chkconfig mysqld on chkconfig crond on service httpd restart service snmpd restart service mysqld restart service crond restart
4.WEB 页完成安装
就可以出再 Cacti Installation Guide 的页面了。NEXT–NEXT–FINISH。